public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from "Xavier Lacot"

September 2013


FacetView is a pure javascript frontend for ElasticSearch or SOLR search indices.

favico.js - Make a use of your favicon

by 6 others
A small js lib to manipulate the favicon of a web page.

August 2013

f1lt - Formula 1 live timing application - Google Project Hosting

an unofficial Formula 1 live timing application written using Qt library for Windows, Linux, Symbian and Android systems

The iOS 7 Design Cheat Sheet - Ivo Mynttinen / User Interface Designer

by 1 other
a iOS Design Cheat Sheet, which gives the dimension of various iOS graphical elements depending on the version of the OS and the device.

TiConf Australia 2013 - the talk of Jeff Haynie

Some interesting insights on Ti.Next, the next version of the Titanium platform.

Such a great idea: deploy new versions of Titanium applications to users or testers without any user interaction.

Hacking GitHub Contributions Calendar -

So sorry this has been done before :-)

tmate • Instant terminal sharing

A tool to share a terminal among several users

July 2013

Alloy Love

A micro-site for all your alloy love - indeed a collection of useful libs and widgets when developing with titanium alloy.

June 2013

HAXM Speeds Up the Slow Android Emulator, Page 2 -

Tutorial on how to create a new Android Emulator using the x86 implementation

Awesome PHP Libraries and Resources

by 1 other
An extensive list of interesting PHP libraries and frameworks


by 1 other
A tiny js+css library to flip elements within a html page

Screen Sizes

by 4 others
Several screen sizes / reference for iOS and Android devices (+ desktop)


A jQuery plugin that gives users real time hints & progress updates as they complete forms

First 5 Minutes Troubleshooting A Server |

by 1 other
The first things to do when auditing an unknown server


by 1 other
SlimerJS is similar to PhantomJs, except that it runs Gecko, the browser engine of Mozilla Firefox, instead of Webkit.

Myrrix | A complete, real-time, scalable recommender system, built on Apache Mahout

A recommender engine (learner / recommender) for large-scale systems. Clusterable + scalable.

May 2013

Slowy app

Slowy is a real-world connection simulator and bandwidth limiter for OSX. It helps web developer test real-world conditions for a local development environment.

April 2013

March 2013

LPE power | THE pneumatic engine shop

Lots of nice ideas of pneumatic / mechanic lego stuff

marcolago/flowtime.js · GitHub

Yet another in-browser slideshow library.

Xavier Lacot's TAGS


limit:50 100 200

android   apache   api   appcelerator   application   applications   blog   browser   canvas   chart   charts   clevermarks   cms   code   conference   css   database   debug   design   developement   development   editor   engine   extension   firebug   firefox   flash   framework   geeeeeeeeeek   generator   geolocation   git   google   graph   graphism   groupe:clever age   html   html5   http   icons   image   interface   iphone   java   javascript   jQuery   js   library   linux   mac   mobile   monitoring   mozilla   music   mysql   oh la la   open source   opera   osx   owl   package   performance   photo   php   plugin   presentation   python   rdf   rest   rss   script   search   security   semantic web   server   service   software   speed   statistics   subversion   svg   symfony   symfony2   tag   talk   test   titanium   tool   tutorial   ubuntu   ui   validation   visualization   w3c   web   web de zéro   widget   xml   xul   zend